My face was always relatively clear. Until recently have I noticed that I am breaking out constantly. Sometimes little pimples and sometimes big. I try and take care of my face, wear relatively little make up, but I%26#039;m still breaking out. I know that it can be due to a lot of factors of why I%26#039;m breaking out but what it the best solution to stop it? I heard Proactiv is horrible and I%26#039;m not interested in it.|||Change your pillowcases more often. I%26#039;ve also found that, contrary to what you might think, heavier moisturizers help prevent breakouts. The less dry skin you have, the less likely the dry skin will clog your pores and make zits.|||Keeping your face clear of natural oil is a must. Wash your face often with just plain water and pat it dry. Some medications do help but it%26#039;s basically keeping your face clean.
Stress and chocolate are big factors in acne breakouts. It%26#039;s also a fact of puberty and your hormones changing inside your body...getting you ready for adulthood.
I%26#039;ve heard of using alcohol on a cotton ball. This will work but it will also dry your face out. Try to stay away from stuff that has alot of oil as a base. This closes your pores and hence you get pimples.
I%26#039;m 48 and still have acne breakouts when I eat alot of chocolate.|||Watch your diet, for your body is changing. Drink lots of water...easier said than done right? Put lemon in it to make it taste better.
Watch the junk foods as well for they contain ingredients that create pimples.
Water, fruits, and vegetables! ProActive does work. Been there done that.|||who ever told you proactive is horrible their face needs too be all broke out you have to give it a week to work. It works wonders. If not wash your face with warm water. Then put toothpaste on yout zit some times it works other times it doesnt!|||You may be using the wrong soap and/or moisturizer. Make sure that both are non-comegenic (won%26#039;t clog pores). It can also be stress. Drink lots of water. That also helps.|||sudocrem works 4 me at night after uv washed and before u go to bed :) also stay away from dairy products|||corrosive hydrochloric acid does the trick usually
or try face wash such as clearsil|||toothpaste works well|||i use toothpaste sounds silly but it works|||some answers toothpaste...what kind of tooth paste?
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