Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How to get rid of a strange pimple that hasn't disappeared within a month?

My friend has one on her upper lip, and she%26#039;s gotten it about a month ago and it%26#039;s still there, and she%26#039;s seriously worried.

What shall we do?

Could it be just the waiting process, or does she need to see a doctor?|||Maybe it%26#039;s not a pimple....Does it look like a pimple? If it;s been there all month, it would probably be yellowish by now...|||it%26#039;s best to see a dermatologist, although I had a strange pimple on my back for three months, and it went away one day. But to be sure (and to breath a sigh of relief) go to the doctor because you never know it could be more serious or require medicine. My sister in law never went to the dermatologist until she absolutely couldn%26#039;t stand it anymore (her face was covered) and she found out that they weren%26#039;t pimples and that she had an infection under her skin. Tell your friend to get checked!|||if it hasnt become white, its probably not a pimple. it could be something like an ingrown hair or something. my mom gets these red bumps on her legs and now she just got one on her cheek. it looks JUST like a pimple but we know its not. go to a dermatologist and see what can be done, cuz there is a possibility that nothing can be done. the bumps that my mom has shes had for years and all theyve done is shrink down into round brown spots....that may be what she has..sorry|||Go to a dermatologist. Could just be something trapped under the skin pretty good.

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