Saturday, December 26, 2009

How to get rid of pimple marks after being popped?

I popped some pimples on my chin and now they are red. How can I get rid of it? Should I use polysporin? They are like scabs now and really ugly lol. Please help.|||First of all, you should NEVER pop pimples!When you pop them, you%26#039;re actually forcing more bacteria into the hole.But if you want to get rid of the scabs, you can use Nixoderm.It%26#039;s a really good cream that gets rid of scars and pimples.It has other healing properties too!|||well if it%26#039;s just a big red bump after you popped it, just put toothpaste it will shrink the bump.|||Burn a needle then take off the first layer of skin. Take Hydrogen Peroxide and put some on a Q-tip and put it on yor zit. Then once it stopps bubbling (taking out extra infection) use cover up.|||Smash it down real hard with an ice cube.|||use sudocrem|||stop popping them|||Get a lotion. i use proactiv, it do work cuz i hav less pimples and try not to pop them that cuzez inflammation and leave spots on your face.|||im not sure what it is called. but if u go to the drug store its in the make up section its a little green stick. its supposed to cover redness. u put that on and then you put your foundation over top.|||Dont pop them anymore. It can leave scars, and therefore never go away.

Use neutrogena, or clinique instead.

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