Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How do you get rid of a pimple in a day or less?

I have been using all the great soaps and acne treatment. Tomorrow is my biggest party ever! I don%26#039;t have very sensitive skin. I don%26#039;t have time to go see a doctor. I can where make up, and i need answers FAST! Please Please help me.|||check this out, it totally worked for me earlier this week. good luck!鈥?/a>|||don%26#039;t keep scrubbing at it, that will only inflame it more and make it worse, find a refining mask that has sulfur in it%26#039;s ingredients as well as benzoyl peroxide, put it just on the spot and you can leave it on over night. In the morning it will have shrunk a ton without looking awful. And whatever you do DON%26#039;T pick at the zit! If it breaks it will bleed and leave a big red bloody looking scab which is worse than any zit. Plus it could scar and leave a mark forever! good luck and have fun at your party don%26#039;t think about the zit! |||the proactive mask really reduces redness and appearance for me i love it. you can put a dab on the pimple and leave it on over night. dont wash it more than twice a day because it will make you skin break out more. good luck with your party!|||sqeeze it and when it tries to form again like it gets crust on it take that away and sqeeze it again and then take like face cleaning pads for pimples and wipe it on it when the top of it is like off.|||I%26#039;ve heard that models use Pepsodent toothpaste and put a dab on the pimple and it clears it up quite fast. They would put it on the day before a photo shoot and it works.|||Get a spot treatment.

Or use toothpaste. I hear it takes the redness away.

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