Saturday, December 26, 2009

What do you do with large pimple deep under skin?

I have a cyst-like pimple on my chin and it is under my skin. Its big and it feels gross. Its too deep in my skin to try to pop it. What can I do to get rid of it?|||First of all.. Do NOT pop it.

It will lead to scarring and it may spread.

Just leave it alone and try to go to a doctor/dermatologist.

And keep your skin clean.

I learned this the hard way :/|||Don%26#039;t pop it. You could push anything in it further into the pore and make it worse. Try putting an ice pack on it to reduce swelling, take aspirin and leave it alone. If you can afford it go to the dermatologist and he can give you a steroid shot that will get rid of it in 24 to 48 hours. Otherwise you could be stuck with it for about a week or so.|||go to doctor

but if you must pop it.

dont squeeze it, lance it with a clean sharp object

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