Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What is good for stuff like the occasional pimple that comes up in your face?

I DO NOT eat fatty foods at all, I watch my diet

I DRINK a lot of water during the day, not juice or p0p

I GO to the gym everyday, but the cursed occasional pimples are a pain in the @ss that STILL come up, what could I do?|||Put toothpaste on it. I know it sounds weird but put it on it for like 3 minutes and it should dry it out. Minty toothpaste works best.|||I use Neutrogena On-Spot acne treatment. You put it on at night, or when you have a pimple just starting, and it usually does a pretty good job getting rid of them, or at least speeding up the healing process.|||run a cloth under warm water and hold in on the pimple for a few minutes, it%26#039;ll pop itself and clear up better than if you popped it with your hands|||use a treatment with benzoyl peroxide it reallly helps when clearing skin fast just using it at bedtime over night will clear it up just like that!

hope this helps!!! it works for me

pick me best answer please

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