Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How can I get rid of a pimple over night?

I don%26#039;t want to use proactive or neutrogena. Is there like something like a remedy or something like that. I heard about toothpaste anything else?|||Aftershave works like da bomb...but its gotta be like those cheap one with the high alcohol content. Brut works for me....i only buy a lil bottle for the occasional zit and it lasts the whole year:-) Toothpaste will really dry the zit out, but may also leave a dry patch.|||oh dang i was gonna say toothpaste.

another way is tomatoes or lemons, but lemons may hurt if you have dry skin or you have picked at the pimples. cut it into fours and rub it all over your face or just the affected area. there will probably e letover stuff on your face, just leave it there, it helps. leave it on overnight or for a few hours. even if the pimple doesnt completely go away, it should at least be smaller.

hope it helps :)

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