Saturday, December 26, 2009

How can i get rid of pimple scars using home remedies????

lemon juice mixed with turmeric powder and pinch of salt+ few drops of honey

this mask will give the results without side effects|||Sorry, there is no way to get rid of scars without going to a get a microdermabrasion which is costly and I%26#039;ve heard, painful. Don%26#039;t worry, I have the same problem. I picked at my pimples when I was younger and now have some ugly scarring. However, when I have a good tan, they aren%26#039;t very noticeable! Try getting a good tan but do it slowly and don%26#039;t burn. I know it%26#039;s not good for your skin to tan but if you care more about the present and not the future (like me), it

is so worth it. However, if you don%26#039;t want wrinkles in the future as well as pimple scars, try a sunless tanner but start with one for fair skin and use one specially made for the face that won%26#039;t clog pores. If you still suffer from acne, you need to get rid of it so you don%26#039;t keep getting scars. Try the Proactiv system, it%26#039;s great. If that doesn%26#039;t work, see a dermatologist. Microdermbrasion is well worth it if you have the money or can make payments and can tolerate pain. However, I%26#039;ve heard that you can never tan your face again %26#039;cause it%26#039;s like new skin so keep that in mind. Oh, don%26#039;t try those expensive %26quot;home microdermbrasion kits%26quot;, they are a huge rip-off! Also, if you pick, stop it! You shouldn%26#039;t get scars from acne unless you pick. Try the tanning thing. Get a good tan and then even it out with a good foundation like Clinique or Estee Lauder and than use a touch of powder bronzer. Oh, if you%26#039;re tanning your face, tan your body too or you%26#039;ll look silly. Best of luck.|||well certainly home remedies r not effective on acne or pimples da wrong remedy might evn make da condition of ur skin worser. use a soap free face wash dat contains solicylic acid.and if possible use benozyl pyroxide....n b4 using des get checked by a dermatologist...certainly all teens have des prblm n u get rid of it after eighteen yrs...acne might also affect u in ur late thirties so better get dermatological treatment|||you can%26#039;t there called scars for a reason.

if you cant afford/get plastic surgery,

go to ulta and have your skin

refurbished...other wise use loads of makeup.

i mean cake that **** on.|||Try this:

Almond + yogurt

Grind almond

2 spoon of yogurt

Mix them together make it a bit thick then apply it to ur face and neck leave it till it gets dry!

Wash ur face

(^_^)|||* aloe vera jelly (externally)

* aloe vera juice (internally)

* shea butter

* silicia gel

* vitamin E oil (internally and externally, respective of its purpose)

* hydrogen peroxide

* eat veggies raw, when possible|||you can buy Palmer%26#039;s Cocoa Butter Scar Serum. it works well if you apply it regularly|||dont do anything to your face by yourself just yet. go see a dermatologist and ask her/him what your options are... chemical peels are supposed to help with some scars and more... like wrinkles and they give you smoother skin.|||I think that u shld not do any thing to ur pimples.It will automatically be removed till u turn 17.

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