Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Does anyone know to how stop a pimple from growing?

So I%26#039;ve been breaking out like crazy and they are the kind of pimples that hurt. Can anyone give any advice on how to clear them? Any at home remedies? Thank you!|||Bring water to a boil and put your face with a towel over your head and let the steam ,steam your face for 10 mins then cleanse and rinse with the coldest water you can stand (seriously i know this all sounds old fashioned but my bf mom who was a model told me this and i have tried it my self and i swear it works like a charm )good luck|||Wash ur face with face cream or soap frequently in day and make it fresh.If u do like this the pimple growth is contolled and after a few days it will be fully cured. Belive me do that n I got cured.|||take a needle and open it a little (shouldn%26#039;t really hurt)...sqeeze all the stuff out of it till it bleeds... take tweezers and get ALL the stuff out and it should start to clear up|||If you find an can probably make $$$ developing the technique and selling it...!|||hold a ice cube on em for a llloooooongggggg time lol, and wash your face atleast 2 times a day (night and day) , u can try puttin lemon juice on your face (sounds stupid but it worked for me, and wash ur face after the lemon juice drys) umm u can also put like just the Plain tooth paste on the pimples....just dont pop em that leaves scars that dont go away .|||Pop the existing ones, and squeeze them dry. Use rubbing alcohol or a stringent to cleanse the pores.|||wash yourself take a shower|||If you are a dude I suggest you shave every single day. If you shave every other day or so you will break out. I%26#039;m not sure why this happens but it does. Secondly, don%26#039;t touch your face if you can help it. Wipe your face with medicated, cleansing pads at night before you go to sleep. Also try to stay hydrated. If you drink a lot of soda you may find yourself breaking out because soda is a diuretic and dehydrates you. Lastly, make sure to get your beauty sleep. Lack of sleep can also cause break outs. I can%26#039;t think of much more to say. If you follow this advice you should see your skin clear up. If it doesn%26#039;t, I recommend you see a dermatologist and see if they can prescribe you some medicine or creams for your acne. Good luck.|||yes!! i have a home remedy and a store treatment that will work.. well, you can apply white toothpaste directly to the pimple while your at home, keep it on it for a few mins, then rinse off..

but what really really works.. i use this when i feel a sore are in my face where a pimple is trying to pop, i leave it on overnight and by the time i wake up, its gone. you can apply it on an existing pimple overnight, it will dry it out and eventually disapear. i use multi vitamin acne treatment by neutregena.. it really really works! usually i just put it directly on the trouble spots, not my entire face, but if YOU break out all over, go for it,|||yes the same thing happened to me like e week ago. theres a really good medicine called %26quot;Retina-A Micro%26quot;. works excellent and pimples started going down in a day.|||here are some remedies to treat acne:

Herbal Treatment For Acne鈥?/a>

Acne remedies at home鈥?/a>

What is Acne Complex?鈥?/a>

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