This pimple feels like it%26#039;s underneath the skin and it really hurts to touch, how can i get rid of it?|||i have trick that works very nicly. i read it only and it dries up your pimples and causes them to disapear.
take an egg and seperate the yolk from the whites. you can use eirther one, but i think the whites of the egg works better and is easier to wash off of your face.
take the white (or yolk) and spread it over your face. leave on untill it dries completely.
everyday, use a type of acne face wash 2 times a day. it costs like 2 or 3 dollars. any brand from the drugstore will work.
most people tell you not to pop pimples, you really must, it always seems to make the pimple go away sooner. (but it causes a scab to appear wich wont go away for like a day or 2)
another trick to dry a pimple out is to crush up a few asprin and mix it with alchol to form a thickk paste apply this to the pimple and leave it on untill it dries. then wash it off after.
plus, let the pimple air out. if their are bangs or hair covering the pimple, it can cause oil and grease to go on the pimple preventing it not to go away.
also, some people might say to put toothpaste on the pimple over night, but i%26#039;ve tried this and it does NOT work.|||I learned this off of some book, u first get a needle, disinfect it with alcohol, then u poke a hole in the very top from the side and make sure u get it all the way through. then wait for all the gunk to ooze out and clean it with some q-tip or something. This reduces swelling around it and won%26#039;t cause any scars bcuz u won%26#039;t be squishing ur skin or scratching it. um good luck|||Sometimes if you squeeze it when it%26#039;s like that it comes ut straight away. Best thig to do is leave it though ;)
It probably feels like a bruise am I right?
Wait until it comes up.|||I heard that rubbing toothpaste on your pimples helps it go down I done it lots of of times and it seems to work real well or you can try baking soda by itself on your pimples I heard that works just as good.|||wait for it to come to the surface then if you must squeeze it but make sure you squeeze till it bleeds so that all the pus has gone|||try some toothpaste if it still doesn%26#039;t work go to the pharmacy and ask what is good for that kind of pimple!!!|||Just a squeeze it when it comes to the surface.|||try squeezing it in till you push it to surface
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