Monday, December 14, 2009

How to get rid of a pimple at the bottom of my ear lobe?

I have a medium-sized pimple on the bottom of my left ear lobe and it%26#039;s irritating me. It hurts too.|||Rubbing alcohol will take away the oil and dirt which caused the pimple. You could try popping it to get the pus out. Pimples pop anyway, so might as well get the infection out. Then get an alcohol wipe and clean the area.|||if its systic acne, which are the kind that hurt and cant really be popped, go to your dermatologist or doctor and they can give u a quick shot that eliminates it almost immediately.|||Try these:鈥?/a>|||Origins Spot remover works wonders!!|||well you have to get a pimple medice sorry!!!|||Have your Mother pop it.

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