Monday, December 14, 2009

How can i get rid of pimple of the back? does using hair to over it make it worce?

Summer is here, and i am afraid to wear swimming suite because it shows my back.|||Our son had pretty bad acne on his back. Here%26#039;s what he did to get rid of it:

Clean sheets at least once a week, washed in hot water. More frequent change is better. If this is more than the laundry-doer at your house can handle, wash %26#039;em yourself.

Clean towels, same.

Shower once a day, soaping affected area gently but thoroughly with Neutrogena soap formulated for acne.

A back brush with fairly soft bristles to help reach the middle. No hard scrubbing!

Second quick shower soon after any serious sweat-producing activity, using any antibacterial soap.

Scrupulously clean shirts (and for you, bras). No second wearings, and change it if you sweated in it. If the shirt can take it, hot or at least warm water laundering. Again, wash %26#039;em yourself.

If you鈥檝e got long hair, keep it very clean, pulled back so it covers only a part of the back when not in public. In heat, a braid, up-do, or ponytail. Overnight, a braid. Products used for styling and holding can seriously affect acne, so use little or none if at all possible.

Short periods of exposure to sun, not enough to show a tan line. (15 minutes a couple times a week helped a lot.)

For our son, it seemed to be largely a matter of more consistent hygiene than his teenage self was doing. He still gets the occasional zit on his back, but the norm is essentially clear skin there. (And he does his own laundry!)|||actually removing hair

is a good idea but when you get pimples on

your back must be , because you have oily skin

i think you should try acne medications

i called topical medications and try taking

a shower at least twice a day and get a scrub

for your back and wash it well

hope this helps|||its not the hair that will make it worse, but the products you put in your hair. like conditioner, mouse, gel or hairspray that can make your back acne worse

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