Monday, December 14, 2009

Pimple or bugbite on chest leaves red bump 6 months later. How do i get rid of this?

I got a bug bite or a pimple on my chest from 5 months ago. Now its still a small red bump. Everytime I rub it or touch it alot, it gets more red around the effected area. How do i get rid of this red bump?|||try going to your doctor...maybe he can help....good luck!|||It could be a number of things. It could be a cyst that reduced to a small solid mass which would be easily removed by a doctor. It could be that there is a small bit of whatever bit you that broke off in the wound and was encased in scar tissue by your body as a means of protection.

Best thing is to see a dermatologist or general practitioner and let them have a look at it.|||It might not be a pimple or bugbite. It might be MRSA (methicillin resistant staphyloccous areus). An infection you can get from anywhere, even from gym equipment. Have your doctor look at it. He or she would give you antibiotics if this is the case.|||ask your doctor, as he or she would most likely know what the best solution is.

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