Monday, April 26, 2010

What is the best way to get rid of a pimple on top of the nose?

It%26#039;s been 3 days and it hasn%26#039;t gotten any smaller. I do NOT want to pop it, I%26#039;ve had a bad experience with popping before.

Thanks for any advice!|||Let it be, let it be, whispering words of wisdom, let it be|||You%26#039;re right for not popping it ..

Hold a warm washcloth over it and allow it to come to a head/drain out all the pus. You can keep wetting the wash cloth with hot water and just keep firmly holding it over the pimple. When it drains, wash your face and apply peroxide to the pimple. |||get the proactive skin care thing and put it on then put the stuff meant for a facial mask on the pimple and it will be less than half the size it was over night.|||get skin tone Clearasil with 10% benzoyl peroxide and put it on several times a day until it dries up. If you had started at the first sign of the pimple, it would be gone by now.|||keep the area free from oil.

wash with moisturizing soap (so as not to dry out skin) and hot water.

do not touch your face, dont even think about it.

try to live without stress

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