Monday, April 26, 2010

How embarrassed to you get when you have a pimple on your face?

Just wondering how other people feel - my face is usually really great but when I do get the occasional blemish I get sooo horrified of walking around in public when I know that its obvious. Does this happen to anyone else?|||Happens to me.

I usually get pimples under my lip and I get so paranoid that people might be looking at it :)|||you%26#039;re just exagerating. most people have problems of their own. if you haven%26#039;t noticed the people around you, they prob. have piples 24/7/365! you%26#039;re lucky you have only occasional zits!

and this is totally a common problem. so just don%26#039;t worry about it! if you act like the pimple is a problem then people will notice! if you act like the pimple isn%26#039;t there , meaning don;t touch or keep scratching it, then people most likely won%26#039;t notice it either!|||i used to be the same. now i dont get any. but i just got a cold sore and yep im very embarresed of it|||I used to be really embarrassed until I realized that the whole world wasn%26#039;t looking at me. That probably comes with age. I hadn%26#039;t figured it out yet when I was a kid. And, if you read between the lines here, there is some really unhappy info; The pimples keep coming even well into adulthood.|||to be honest, that is a stupid question, i have a face full of pimples and black heads and i make my face known to the world, i have friends that have the worst acne i%26#039;ve seen and they aren%26#039;t afraid to show their face, don%26#039;t be scared if you have that once in a blue moon pimple it%26#039;s nothing.|||No, I don%26#039;t worry about it and I don%26#039;t remember it unless it is hurting. Your attitude is a very American attitude to have. Cosmetics companies have spent a fortune on marketing to convince people that a little pimple is like the end of the world unless we buy their products. Try not to give in to that nonsense and accept the fact that there are many more important things to be concerned about. A few weeks ago, I saw a beautiful young woman on a television show. She had been burned and disfigured by her ex. Can you imagine how difficult and painful her life was made by that tragedy? You, on the other hand, have only a pimple to ruin your day.|||it doesnt bother me...its just a pimple everybody gets em|||I know how you feel.

It seems like your face is fine until you have to go somewhere or see someone.Then out of nowhere a pimple appears! I hate it too dude!|||it happens to me a lot but the thing is not to worry about it i mean everyone gets one every now and again its normal.|||my face is usually graet too. I only like get pimples on my nose. never anywhere else. its sad. But zi dont really care unless it hurts

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