Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What's the difference between pimple caused by ingrown hairs and herpes?

Herpes is caused by a virus, an ingrown hair is just what is says, an ingrown hair....|||For one, ingrown hairs is not a STD. You get a ingrown hair due to improper way of shaving or waxing when the hair curls back into the skin instead of growing out of the skin. Thus, causing a ingrown hair. Honestly, a ingrown looks quite different from herpes. Usually, a ingrown, if you pick at it long enough, you could eventually pull the hair out of the skin from when it curled back in. With herpes, there is no hair growing out of it. It is a blister/pimple/sore like virus that is filled with pus and sometimes blood. It is highly and often mistaken for other hair follicle causing infections like ingrown, sweat bump, sebaceous cyst, and even a bacterial causing infection like a yeast infection.

80% of the population have herpes, and quite a number of those people with oral herpes who perform oral sex on other partners can spread the herpes virus onto the genital known as Genital herpes.

If you are not aware of what you have down there, seek a doctor to distinguished the two. They may can give you a culture or blood test to determine if you have the herpes virus which is very common. It only involves skin to skin contact.|||an ingrown hair is usually a(single) solid cyst like bump where as herpes is clusters of fluid filled bumps.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||Well it can be hard to say..Everyone doesn%26#039;t have the same outbreaks..Some people have clusters of blisters and some people have small red bumps while some people have no bumps..Some look like cuts..Some look like boils but are different cause they will burst themselves and scab over and be more painful..

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