Friday, January 8, 2010

What type of ointment do we use for pimple on chest?

I sweat a lot and I developed a pimple on my chest that looks like a big blackhead. It doesn%26#039;t hurt or anything, it%26#039;s just dark and it pops out a little bit. Is there medicine that I can use to help it go down in size and decolorize back to normal color?|||Try using a simple acne wash on your chest, and acne cream.

If that doesn%26#039;t help use a hot compress on it to try to help it come to a head or remove the black head.

I wouldn%26#039;t specify any one name brand.. Oxy, Nutregena, all work alright - Try a lufa mit with the acne wash to see if it helps work it out too...

Good Luck.

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