Friday, January 8, 2010

What can you do to help clear up a pimple on a baby's face?

I have a beautiful 8 month old baby girl and she has a big red pussy pimple on her cheek. It%26#039;s driving me crazy. I wouldn%26#039;t ever try to pop it, but is there any other way to clear it up faster than just leaving it alone ? |||keep the area clean with a face cloth or Cotton balls just with warm water,dont use any baby products on the skin as it might irritate the skin,it doesn%26#039;t take long,then your baby will have that beautiful baby skin! |||just leave it. popping it will leave it open to infection and it will hurt your baby. babys get infantile acne. my daughter had terrible acne for about 2mos and i had just had to grin and bear it as the HV told me to leave it and it would eventually settle on its own

if you look at her cheeoks in this pic, it was like white headed spots covering her cheeks that would go red鈥?/a>|||you have to leave it alone. it you try to put something on it not that they make baby acne medicine or pick at if it could become infected. |||Nothing. It will clear up on its own.

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