Friday, January 8, 2010

How to reduce swelling and pain of popped pimple OVERNIGHT?

Help. Please? Before I popped it, it hurt even if I touched it a little. I want the swelling to go down and the pain to reduce before school on Monday. Any solutions?|||all you gotta do is NOT touch or or do anything to irritate it. it will go down

toothpaste and stuff like that will irritate it more.. dry it out just don%26#039;t do anything. use your normal face wash and go to bed.

in the morning just put some regular lotion on it with no perfume.. like lubriderm|||Put an ice pack or a chunk of ice on it. Hold it there for 3-5 minutes.|||put a little toothpaste on it it has the same main active ingredients as proactive. also put ice on it for a little

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