Friday, January 8, 2010

What is this pimple on my inner elbow pit?

It looks like a pimple, I noticed it about 2 weeks ago, won%26#039;t go away, can%26#039;t pop it. Could it be a staph infection?|||Could be from heat, try keeping the area really dry and clean.|||It%26#039;s kind of impossible to tell without looking at the thing itself, really, or without a very, very, /very/ detailed description (And it may be iffy even then). Your best bet is to go to your doctor or a dermatologist to have it checked out.|||its not a pimple its more of a rash or egsama so put some cream on it or basetration and yul be fine|||check %26#039;bursitis%26#039; on google images

|||In your armpit? If your a girl...then maybe its razor burn from shaving? If your a guy...idk what to suggest...

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