Friday, January 8, 2010

How should I get rid of a extremely difficult pimple?

I have had this pimple on the bridge of my nose for about 3 months, and it will not go away! I haven%26#039;t tried popping it, because I know that will make it worse. I have tried clean and clear spot treatment stuff, and even proactiv, but nothing helps. What should I do with it?|||stab it with a sterilized pin and be done with that sucker!|||Hi friend,

Getting rid of pimples is very difficult. Who will know more than me, about this grim truth. But fortunately about 3 weeks back when I was surfing through the net, I came across a website:鈥?/a>

wherein some very easy tips were mentioned I just followed them for atleast 2 weeks and you won%26#039;t believe it just worked wonders for me, Almost 60% of my pimple are gone, without even spending anything.

May god bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||try toothpaste. It shrinks pimples right away. Just dab some on, then wipe it off within 1 minute.|||Tea Tree oil. Can get this in health food stores.|||for 3 months? maybe you should try popping it!

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