Friday, January 8, 2010
What is the best quick fix for a bad pimple?
Do any of those on the spot treatments work? Or do you have any other suggestions?|||If you want to make the redness go away, apply visine to the pimple and cover it with Neutrogena Rapid clear spot treatment before bedtime, it should be gone in the morning. You have to remember the visine, it is the only way the method will work.|||OK - this is going to sound weird, but it works: Get a small piece of uncooked bacon - maybe a half-inch square. Use a bandaid/plaster and put the piece of bacon on the pimple overnight. The salts in the bacon that draw the moisture out and help %26quot;cure%26quot; the bacon will also help to bring the pimple to a head, so that it can be opened (PROPERLY and CLEANLY), the pus can be drained, the wound cleaned, and the healing process can begun.|||Aspirin paste.Let it sit,then wash it off.Reduces redness.|||try toothpaste,,, seriously|||keep it clean...DO NOT SQUEEZE IT! USE WARM COMPRESSES AND ANTIBIOTIC OINTMENT. the over the counter %26quot;on the spot%26quot; treatment with high benzoyl peroxide (10% max) will dry it out and make it peely if that%26#039;s what you want. my daughter had cystic acne and the big ones that are big red bumps and very sore are usually cystic and scar badly...she had to not pick! If they become bothersome see your doctor...we actually put our daughter on acutane so that she wouldn%26#039;t get the pizza face look for later in life but it is only for severe is weird because no one else in the family has ever had it...ususally hereditary.
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